Sir Konstantin Novoselov
Sir Konstantin Novoselov

Sir Konstantin Novoselov holds a Tan Chin Tuan Centennial Professorship
at the National University of Singapore, where he is also Director of the
Institute for Functional Intelligent Materials. Additionally, he is Langworthy
Professor of Physics and Royal Society Research Professor at The University
of Manchester. Since 2014, he has consistently been featured on the list
of the world’s most highly cited researchers, with over 250 peer-reviewed
research papers published to date.
In 2004, Sir Konstantin successfully isolated graphene, the first known 2D material, and mapped its unique properties together with Professor Sir Andre Geim. Their discovery paved the way for experiments on other 2D atomic crystals with superior and versatile properties to potentially create new materials with a wide range of applications. In recognition of their groundbreaking work, they were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010. Sir Konstantin is also formally educated in and maintains an active interest in modern Chinese art, where he uses novel approaches and materials, the most notable of which is the introduction of graphene ink.